Waltham News

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ginger cat with long white whiskers looking happy and curious
Welfare and Behaviour

Cats’ noses appear to function like powerful aroma analysis equipment

Biomarkers, Genetics

How an open-access database of dog and cat genomes can help advance individualised pet health

tabby cat and brown cat looking out the window
Biomarkers, Genetics, Microbiome

Joining forces with biotech companies to advance preventive pet health care

Dog owner and veterinarian chatting in the reception area of a veterinary clinic
Biomarkers, Genetics

A biobank for the future of pet health care

Young couple sitting on the sofa with their white poodle and brown cat
Genetics, Biomarkers

Unlocking the pet genome

2021 pet care science stories
Biomarkers, Nutrition, Genetics

Our 2021 pet care science stories

British cat and labrador retriever sitting at the dining table
Nutrition, Welfare and Behaviour

How data is helping us tackle pet obesity

Welfare and Behaviour, Microbiome

Itchy pets: how to spot, prevent and treat pets’ skin allergies

veterinarian talking to labrador owner about pet obesity
Welfare and Behaviour

Talking about the weighty issue of pet obesity: 5 tips for veterinarians

russel terrier with perfect white teeth
Oral Health

Keeping your pets’ teeth healthy: a step-by-step guide

female veterinarian speaking to a dog owner at the vet clinic

4 ways innovation is changing veterinary care as we know it

cat and dog sleeping next to each other
Nutrition, Welfare and Behaviour

3 ways to keep your pet at a healthy weight

veterinarian consulting notes at the clinic
Biomarkers, Genetics, Mars Petcare

VMX2020: How technology can drive preventive pet care

Waltham Petcare Science Institute logo
Mars Petcare

Celebrating our breadth of pet research through unveiling our new name: Waltham Petcare Science Institute

pampered cat renal diagnostic
Biomarkers, Mars Petcare, Welfare and Behaviour

AI-driven diagnostic can predict chronic kidney disease in cats two years early

green eyed long haired cat
Biomarkers, Welfare and Behaviour

Genetic test shines new light into cats' health

woman feeding dalmatian dog
Mars Petcare, Nutrition, Welfare and Behaviour

Survey weighs up potential reasons behind the pet obesity crisis

golden retriever wearing GPS tracker
Mars Petcare

Two new Mars Petcare initiatives to support startup innovation in pet care

A picture of a dog's teeth with the plaque visible
Microbiome, Oral Health

Digital technique to detect pets' dental plaque

vet checking cat's mouth
Oral Health, Microbiome

Researchers find bacteria causing gum disease in cats

vet with dog
Mars Petcare, Nutrition

WikiVet and Mars Petcare release new materials for cat and dog nutrition and health

obese cat at vet clinic
Welfare and Behaviour, Nutrition

The danger of pet obesity

Cats on a shelf unit
Welfare and Behaviour

Shelf life: our carefully designed cat units

Golden Retriever teeth
Microbiome, Oral Health

Shining a light on pet dental health

corgi in field
Mars Petcare, Genetics

Mars Petcare acquires Genoscoper Laboratories