Waltham News

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ginger cat with long white whiskers looking happy and curious
Welfare and Behaviour

Cats’ noses appear to function like powerful aroma analysis equipment

veterinarian talking to labrador owner about pet obesity
Welfare and Behaviour

Talking about the weighty issue of pet obesity: 5 tips for veterinarians

veterinarian consulting notes at the clinic
Biomarkers, Genetics, Mars Petcare

VMX2020: How technology can drive preventive pet care

pampered cat renal diagnostic
Biomarkers, Mars Petcare, Welfare and Behaviour

AI-driven diagnostic can predict chronic kidney disease in cats two years early

green eyed long haired cat
Biomarkers, Welfare and Behaviour

Genetic test shines new light into cats' health

ornamental fish
Welfare and Behaviour

Differently sourced colourants may affect ornamental fish activity

fish in tank
Welfare and Behaviour

Improving fish welfare

obese cat at vet clinic
Welfare and Behaviour, Nutrition

The danger of pet obesity

Cats on a shelf unit
Welfare and Behaviour

Shelf life: our carefully designed cat units