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Biomarkers, Genetics

How an open-access database of dog and cat genomes can help advance individualised pet health

tabby cat and brown cat looking out the window
Biomarkers, Genetics, Microbiome

Joining forces with biotech companies to advance preventive pet health care

small terrier dog getting checked at veterinary clinic

How data science is helping us predict dogs’ chronic kidney disease risk

Dog owner and veterinarian chatting in the reception area of a veterinary clinic
Biomarkers, Genetics

A biobank for the future of pet health care

Young couple sitting on the sofa with their white poodle and brown cat
Genetics, Biomarkers

Unlocking the pet genome

2021 pet care science stories
Biomarkers, Nutrition, Genetics

Our 2021 pet care science stories

happy golden retriever portrait
Biomarkers, Microbiome, Oral Health, Human Animal Interaction, Welfare and Behaviour

5 ways we’re advancing science to help dogs live happy, healthy lives

Welfare and Behaviour, Microbiome

Itchy pets: how to spot, prevent and treat pets’ skin allergies

happy healthy puppy running down the sidewalk
Welfare and Behaviour, Microbiome, Genetics, Biomarkers

5 ways science is giving puppies a healthy start in life

female veterinarian speaking to a dog owner at the vet clinic

4 ways innovation is changing veterinary care as we know it

veterinarian consulting notes at the clinic
Biomarkers, Genetics, Mars Petcare

VMX2020: How technology can drive preventive pet care

Beagle walking in the park
Nutrition, Welfare and Behaviour, Microbiome

Why monitor your dog's feces?

The power of faecal analysis
Microbiome, Nutrition

The power of fecal analysis

Largest ever dog DNA study infographic

Genetic testing for dogs can help identify diseases and enable preventive care

Mars Petcare, Biomarkers, Welfare and Behaviour

Over 200K dogs take part in one of the largest tech-enabled pet health studies

chocolate labrador
Mars Petcare, Genetics, Biomarkers

Mars Petcare acquires dog DNA diagnostics company Optigen

Husky dog at the vet
Microbiome, Oral Health

Researchers explain why dogs are more prone to gum disease than dental caries

A picture of a dog's teeth with the plaque visible
Microbiome, Oral Health

Digital technique to detect pets' dental plaque

miniature schnauzer
Microbiome, Oral Health, Welfare and Behaviour

Good dental care for small dogs is critical to preventing disease

Horse hooves
Microbiome, Welfare and Behaviour

Research sheds new light on horse laminitis risk factors

horse eating from bucket

New insights into bacterial supplements for horses

horses eating hay outdoors
Nutrition, Microbiome

Understanding horses' gut microbiome

elderly dog in field

Research shows similarities between dogs and humans as they age

4 mixed breeds of dog sitting in a field

Dog breeds look different on the outside, but what about the inside?

Daisy Liu
Microbiome, Welfare and Behaviour

Do the microbes in a dog’s gut change with their waist line?

Golden Retriever teeth
Microbiome, Oral Health

Shining a light on pet dental health