cats running around the house

How to take care of a cat

Are you thinking about getting a cat? There are many things to consider. That’s why we’ve put together a few pointers that can help you make the right choice for you, your family and, ultimately, your future cat. Before you go any further, here are three things to consider:  

  1. Learn about life with a cat: A cat will need your time and attention to care for him or her, especially during their early years. From cleaning out the litter tray, grooming (for long haired cats), to attention and regular visits to the veterinarian, caring for a cat can be a big responsibility. 

  1. Would a cat fit your current lifestyle? Make sure you're financially ready to care for your cat. This includes veterinary visits, food and care essentials. Is your living space safe for a cat? Will they have a cat flap and be able to roam or will they stay inside as an indoor cat? 

  1. What’s the right breed and age for you? Think about which pet personality quirks are best suited to your family’s lifestyle and home. 

Finding a cat that’s the right breed and age for you