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female veterinarian speaking to a dog owner at the vet clinic

4 ways innovation is changing veterinary care as we know it

veterinarian consulting notes at the clinic
Biomarkers, Genetics, Mars Petcare

VMX2020: How technology can drive preventive pet care

pampered cat renal diagnostic
Biomarkers, Mars Petcare, Welfare and Behaviour

AI-driven diagnostic can predict chronic kidney disease in cats two years early

The power of faecal analysis
Microbiome, Nutrition

The power of fecal analysis

green eyed long haired cat
Biomarkers, Welfare and Behaviour

Genetic test shines new light into cats' health

A picture of a dog's teeth with the plaque visible
Microbiome, Oral Health

Digital technique to detect pets' dental plaque

vet checking cat's mouth
Oral Health, Microbiome

Researchers find bacteria causing gum disease in cats

Horse hooves
Microbiome, Welfare and Behaviour

Research sheds new light on horse laminitis risk factors

kittens in field
Nutrition, Microbiome

How dietary protein levels influence gut bacteria in kittens

horse eating from bucket

New insights into bacterial supplements for horses

Golden Retriever teeth
Microbiome, Oral Health

Shining a light on pet dental health