Waltham News

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golden retriever puppies on a field of grass and flowers

Dog food and nutrition for all ages

happy puppy playing in the grass
Nutrition, Welfare and Behaviour

6 things you need to know about puppy care

2021 pet care science stories
Biomarkers, Nutrition, Genetics

Our 2021 pet care science stories

British cat and labrador retriever sitting at the dining table
Nutrition, Welfare and Behaviour

How data is helping us tackle pet obesity

happy golden retriever portrait
Biomarkers, Microbiome, Oral Health, Human Animal Interaction, Welfare and Behaviour

5 ways we’re advancing science to help dogs live happy, healthy lives

Welfare and Behaviour, Microbiome

Itchy pets: how to spot, prevent and treat pets’ skin allergies

happy healthy puppy running down the sidewalk
Welfare and Behaviour, Microbiome, Genetics, Biomarkers

5 ways science is giving puppies a healthy start in life

russel terrier with perfect white teeth
Oral Health

Keeping your pets’ teeth healthy: a step-by-step guide

cat and dog sleeping next to each other
Nutrition, Welfare and Behaviour

3 ways to keep your pet at a healthy weight

woman feeding dalmatian dog
Mars Petcare, Nutrition, Welfare and Behaviour

Survey weighs up potential reasons behind the pet obesity crisis

Cat eating from bowl

Can chemical clues speed up diagnostics for ill cats?

horses eating hay outdoors
Nutrition, Microbiome

Understanding horses' gut microbiome

vet with dog
Mars Petcare, Nutrition

WikiVet and Mars Petcare release new materials for cat and dog nutrition and health