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Boy carresing horse
Human Animal Interaction

Study to examine why therapeutic horseback riding has positive and long-lasting effects on children with autism spectrum disorder

veterinarian consulting notes at the clinic
Biomarkers, Genetics, Mars Petcare

VMX2020: How technology can drive preventive pet care

Pets agaisnt lonliness
Human Animal Interaction

Pets against loneliness

The power of faecal analysis
Microbiome, Nutrition

The power of fecal analysis

Scientist reveal new theory on horse
Welfare and Behaviour

Scientists reveal new theory on horse hoof pathologies

child holding cat in field
Human Animal Interaction

How important is children's relationship with their pets?

dog therapy in a hospital setting
Human Animal Interaction

New funding to advance research into health impact of therapy dogs

elderly Asian lady holding a pup in her lap sitting on a bench in a park
Human Animal Interaction

Pets can support healthy ageing: a guide to successful pet ownership

Horse in Stable
Nutrition, Welfare and Behaviour

Calculating horses' energy requirements

grandmother with granddaughter and dog
Human Animal Interaction

Pets can impact our physical, emotional well-being, social relationships and community connectedness 

Elderly man petting dog in wheelchair
Human Animal Interaction

Researchers call for more studies looking at role of pets in healthy aging

horse eating from bucket

New insights into bacterial supplements for horses

Horse owner with vet in stable
Nutrition, Welfare and Behaviour

Horse nutrition tips for veterinarians

Horse hooves
Microbiome, Welfare and Behaviour

Research sheds new light on horse laminitis risk factors

woman and dog silhouette
Human Animal Interaction

Is the pressure to be a ‘responsible’ pet owner increasing?

Man petting Husky
Human Animal Interaction

Pets can be good for you – but the evidence shows it’s not quite that simple

Horse wearing grazing muzzle
Welfare and Behaviour, Nutrition

Grass length can affect muzzled grazing behaviour in ponies

border collie and owner
Human Animal Interaction

How neurobiology and genetics can help researchers understand human-animal interaction

Horse in field

A starch-rich horse diet impacts hormone levels used to diagnose equine disease

Horse eating from bowl
Nutrition, Welfare and Behaviour

The right diet can help horses manage gastric ulcer syndrome

child reading to dog
Human Animal Interaction

How pets could aid learning in the classroom

Horses eating hay

Are you feeding your horse enough hay?

family walking a dog in the forest
Human Animal Interaction

Pets estimated to save UK National Health Service up to £2.45 billion a year

senior lady holding jack russell in her lap
Human Animal Interaction

Creative solutions could help seniors benefit from pet ownership

boy with dog
Human Animal Interaction

Pets prove to be a child's best friend

senior african american man petting a labrador
Human Animal Interaction

Waltham-funded study to examine the impact of pet ownership on healthy human aging

Senior lady being visited by therapy dog in hospital
Human Animal Interaction

Animal therapy: can the human-animal bond treat mind and body?