Waltham News

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dachshund puppy yawning showing healthy teeth
Oral Health

Small dog breeds at highest risk for dental disease, largest study confirms

Beagle walking in the park
Nutrition, Welfare and Behaviour, Microbiome

Why monitor your dog's feces?

The power of faecal analysis
Microbiome, Nutrition

The power of fecal analysis

Husky dog at the vet
Microbiome, Oral Health

Researchers explain why dogs are more prone to gum disease than dental caries

A picture of a dog's teeth with the plaque visible
Microbiome, Oral Health

Digital technique to detect pets' dental plaque

miniature schnauzer
Microbiome, Oral Health, Welfare and Behaviour

Good dental care for small dogs is critical to preventing disease

Golden Retriever teeth
Microbiome, Oral Health

Shining a light on pet dental health

Daisy Liu
Microbiome, Welfare and Behaviour

Do the microbes in a dog’s gut change with their waist line?